India police officers rumored to have captured five syndicates trade in body organs including the two workers of the Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India. They were arrested for allegedly luring poor citizens so willing to sell a kidney to their organs.
"We detected five cases of organ sales this year. We have captured five people and seized some files and documents, "said a Delhi police officers who are not willing to be named, as reported by PressTV from Sunday (5/6/2016).
The capture process starts with searching hospitals by police officers. In those searches, they end up holding three people allegedly associated with the organ sellers syndicate.
According to police officers, victims are lured to sell their kidneys for money as much as 4,500 USD or equivalent to Rp 60.4 million.
The organ is then resold by the syndicate to wealthy customers who need higher rates of roughly 160,000 USD or equal to Rp 2.1 billion.
Related to this incident, the hospital itself admitted not to know of any syndicate salesperson organ. Therefore, they asked the police to seriously uncover the case so that it can be known to network the syndicate.
During this time, commercial trade in organs is illegal in India. Donations to transplant outside the family must be approved by the Special Committee.
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